The EdTech Coach Podcast

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Blogger in the Classroom

Blogger is a fantastic blogging platform (I’m a bit biased). Not only is it great for personal blogging but It can be used in many different ways in the classroom by teachers and students.


  1. Share what’s going on in your class. Write about the daily goings on, from what students learning to projects they’re working on.
  2. Self reflection. Keeping a journal can help a teacher reflect on their day.
  3. A staff blog. I’ve written about this before. Create one blog for the school site and ask the staff to contribute.
  4. Share notes and assignment directions with your students.
  5. Weekly updates. For the administration, use Blogger to share a weekly update about what’s going on around the campus as well as upcoming events.


  1. Student journaling. Students can use Blogger to keep a daily journal, sharing it with their teacher.
  2. Assume an identity. Students can assume the identity of a historical or literary figure and blog as if they were that figure. What kinds of things would they say?
  3. Exit ticket. Student can use Blogger as a daily exit ticket, reflecting on what they’ve learned that day. A great way to keep a journal of their learning.

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