The EdTech Coach Podcast

Monday, December 31, 2018

How to Lesson Plan With Trello!

The days of planning in a notebook are over! Not only can students use digital tools in the classroom to get their work done, but their teachers can too. Behold Trello. Trello is a versatile planning tool that can be used by students and teachers alike. Students can use it to plan their work on upcoming projects. Teachers can use it to plan out their quarter, semester, and year! And, you never have to worry about where you left your planbook because Trello is accessible from all your devices.

Trello is intuitive so the teacher won’t spend most of their planning time learning new software. Instead, with just a few clicks, they’ll be setting up their classes in Trello. Trello consists of boards, lists, and cards. In planning your classes, simply create a board with the title of one of your classes, let’s say Economics (as seen above in the graphic). Then, simply create a list based on a particular unit, chapter, or topic. As shown above, I’ve created lists based on chapters. Then, I created cards that represent what I plan on doing in that chapter, such as worksheet, a Nearpod, and a Kahoot.

Along with uploading documents to your cards, you can attach links. Do you have a Kahoot or Nearpod you like to use? Add the link to your Kahoot or Nearpod in Trello, then, click on the link to bring it up. It’s that easy! Trello also allows for the linking of your Google Docs, so it’s easy to move your Google Slides or Google Docs over to Trello. Then, with a click, you can simply access your documents.

As mentioned earlier, Trello is available on all devices, including Android, iOS, and a web app.

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